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  • Writer's pictureSarah Lawrence

Early Finishers - Resources on "What to do next?"

How many times have you heard students say “I’m finished! What do I do now?”

When this occurs, as teachers we check over their work and see if its sufficient and then we decide to go with the easy option and tell them to go ‘read a book’. This task doesn’t last for time as students become distracted or disengaged. As CRT's and Education Staff, we know there will always be early finishers!

We have found a great compilation of activities to explore which can keep students learning especially if you are constantly in this predicament .

Teacher Starter have some great early finisher ideas for teachers to create where students can just pick something out to complete when there is nothing else to do. The idea of having a ‘Fast Finisher Folder’ is a great idea to have with in your CRT Toolkit for these moments!

We are Teachers have a large list of 35 early finisher activities that can be helpful to keep students engaged in their learning. These activities can be made as a task for students at the end of their set lesson. For example, if stud

ents have just done a literacy lesson, they could create some silly sentences, or a story write based on a chosen theme. There is always something to do to keep the learning going if the main task is completed.

To be organised, it is a good idea to write some Early Finisher Tasks on the whiteboard so students already know what they could do after they finish their set work. You could also have early finisher flashcards in your CRT Toolkit to have with you and give students the option to choose a card to complete a task.

We hope these activity ideas will get you inspired to think of different ways to be equipped for early finishers!


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